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Coffee of the Month: December

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This month we feature a spectacular coffee from Nicaragua by Folk Brewers.

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This month’s coffee comes from Mama Mina, a farm surrounded by trees and mountains. You can see the vastness of forest that covers each of the mountain ranges from every view. Flowers have been planted around the farm in an effort to make it the most beautiful farm possible, their perfume is amazing and it’s something the Mierisch have started to employ on some of their other farms, like Los Milagros. There is a massive sense of pride in the surroundings, and the farm is kept in meticulous condition.

Fernweh Coffee Subscription New Zealand

Despite Mama Mina being one of the younger farms the Mierisch manage, it produces some of their best coffees; this is partly down to the altitude and soil, which is rich in nutrients, but mostly because of the care and attention that’s taken during the picking and processing stages.
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REGION: Jinotega

TASTING NOTES: Orange, Bourbon


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